Press Releases

Congressman Burgess Hails President Bush’s Signing of Ban on Partial Birth Abortion

Congressman Michael C. Burgess (TX-26) today joined President Bush for his signing of S.3, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act into law. Dr. Burgess has been a strong supporter of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act since its introduction in the House. Congressman Burgess gave the closing remarks at the bicameral press conference on partial birth abortion after passage of S.3 in the Senate on October 24, 2003.

“During my two decades of practice of obstetrics, with my share of high-risk pregnancies, I never encountered a situation where the partial birth procedure was required,” said Congressman Burgess. “I believe it is an inhumane act that is never medically necessary.”

“There is no Constitutional right to perform this procedure and there is no excuse for it in a civilized nation. This law addresses all the legal concerns voiced by courts in the past on this matter. And I am pleased the President has the courage to sign this important legislation and end this terrible practice for good,” said Congressman Burgess.