Press Releases

Denton County Receives $1.56 billion for Future Road Projects


Thursday, October 18, 2007
Contact: Lauren Bean

Denton County Receives $1.56 billion for Future Road Projects

Lewisville, TX – Last Thursday, October 11, 2007, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) held their monthly transportation meeting. Among other items on the agenda, the RTC made recommendations on the distribution of proceeds from the State Highway 121 (S.H. 121) toll road. Denton County will receive approximately 53 percent of the revenue generated by S.H. 121, or roughly $1.56 billion.

“The Texas Department of Transportation has provided clear and well-documented evidence that as early as next year, Texas will only have maintenance funds available and that no funds will be available for new construction,” said Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. “Our transportation system is vital to the quality of life of North Texans, and we must continue to seek innovative funding methods to keep up with the ever- increasing demands on our infrastructure.”

Of the more than $1.56 billion that will go directly to Denton County for their roads, $659.5 million will be used for projects that were previously selected under the S.H. 121 Memorandum of Understanding. This was developed when the region decided to make the new construction on S.H. 121 a toll road-supported instead of a gas tax-supported facility. Additionally, $41.15 million of the revenue will go towards the cost of constructing S.H. 121, leaving a total of $859.43 million for new roads in Denton County.

Final decisions on how to spend the money is expected by January 24, 2008. Until then, County officials will hold County Workshops in November and December to determine which projects to select within their County.

“This region, like the rest of the nation, is facing a tremendous shortfall in transportation funding,” said Michael Morris, director of transportation of the North Central Texas Council of Governments. “This agreement for S.H. 121, especially the upfront payment of $2.5 billion, will mean freeway, thoroughfare, passenger rail and air quality projects can be built years ahead of schedule. Helping to keep up with the tremendous growth and transportation needs of the region is a high priority.”
