Floor Statements

Unborn Victims of Violence Act - Special Order

Mr. Speaker, I rise today from the perspective of a physician, in strong support of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, also known as Laci and Conner's Law. We have all seen the recent horrific news stories about Laci Peterson and her unborn son.

As a physician, who delivered over 3,000 babies, I am an advocate of this legislation, which would help to protect many who are unable to defend themselves in any way – unborn sons and daughters.

It establishes legal consequences if an unborn child is killed or injured as a result of an act of violence against the mother and allows prosecutors to charge the perpetrators with a second offense for the assault on the baby.

Federal law only recognizes one victim - the mother – when a pregnant woman is attacked and an unborn child is injured or killed.

But twenty-six states have enacted laws to recognize unborn victims of at least some violent crime, during some or all of the period of pre-natal development.

This bill would remedy loopholes that currently exist.

I ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing the need to pass this important legislation in support of those who cannot help themselves – the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.