Press Releases

Burgess Receives Top Subcommittee Choices

Today, Michael C. Burgess received his subcommittee assignments for the 108th Congress as a member on the Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) and Science Committees.

“The issues before these subcommittees are some of the most important for my district and the nation,” said Burgess. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure my district has the funding it needs to increase everyone’s quality of life.”

Burgess will serve as a member on two subcommittees under the T&I Committee. He will represent his district on the Highways and Transit Subcommittee and the Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management Subcommittee. Once Burgess learned of his placement on the prominent T&I Committee in late January he began lobbying for these positions.

Earlier today when Chairman Don Young announced Burgess’ placement he commented, “I look forward to working with Representative Burgess as a new member of the prestigious Highway and Transit Subcommittee. His district contains some of the most traveled highways and roads and we must work to improve and maintain them.”

Chairman Young said the subcommittees will handle legislation dealing with issues relating to road construction and transit facilities and the subcommittee has jurisdiction over many programs at the Department of Transportation. The second subcommittee placement, Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management, is primarily charged with authorization of federal real estate assets, the development of infrastructure in communities suffering economic distress, and the federal management of emergencies and national disasters.

Chairman Sherwood Boehlert of the Science Committee made the following comments after Burgess received his assignments on the Space and Environment Subcommittees.

“Representative Burgess’ medical background will bring needed leadership to the Space Subcommittee as we discuss research and medical benefits of space travel in the coming weeks. His leadership and expertise after the tragic Columbia accident proved he has the intellect and expertise to serve as a vital member,” said Chairman Boehlert.

The Space Subcommittee oversees NASA including space exploration and the International Space Station. In addition, the Subcommittee oversees civilian aviation research at FAA and the Department of Commerce. The Environment Subcommittee's primary jurisdiction is Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency, National Institute Standards and Technology, and technology programs at the Department of Commerce.