Press Releases

Burgess Gets First Committee Assignments: Transportation and Infrastructure and Science Committees

Burgess Positioned to Work on Key Issues for His District

Texas’ Twenty-sixth Congressional District Representative Michael C. Burgess today announced that he has been appointed to serve on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, as well as, the House Committee on Science for the 108th Congress.

“This is great news for the constituents of my district,” said Burgess immediately after hearing the news. “The Transportation Committee assignment will allow me to directly work on the traffic congestion that bottleneck’s our roads. I am honored to be the only Texas Republican selected to serve on the Committee. And, as a Member of the Committee on Science, I can work to improve science and math education in our schools and universities, ensure a clean environment and develop efficient energy policies.”

As a life long resident of the 26th District, Burgess recognizes the impact the committee assignments have on projects important to the region. Burgess began lobbying for these committee assignments immediately after the election.

“There are two critical transportation problems that I can help solve. The first issue is the need to bring needed gasoline tax dollars back to the State and the district. The state only receives 87 cents of every transportation dollar it sends to Washington. The second problem concerns traffic and congestion.”

The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s top order of business will be the reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (TEA-21). The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has jurisdiction over Transportation Security, Aviation, Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management, Highways and Transit, and Water Resources and Environment.

As a member of the Committee on Science, Burgess will oversee non-defense federal scientific research and development programs of 8 federal agencies. The Committee monitors these programs to ensure that Federal tax dollars are being spent wisely and efficiently and that America's Federal science and technology enterprise maintains its world preeminence.

“In my role as a member of the Science Committee, I look forward to working with the Universities in the 26th District to ensure they have needed research and development funding in math and science. These programs will give students the tools to learn and excel in the technology and health sectors.”