Press Releases

Burgess Kicks-Off National Transportation Week by Driving Automobiles of the Future

U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess (TX-26) took a first hand look at fuel-cell powered hydrogen vehicles and test drove a hybrid line pick-up truck to learn about the future of energy-efficient automobile travel.

“Isn’t American ingenuity great? Investing into the future of energy-efficient transportation is the best way to someday make the United States energy independent. I know many North Texans would enjoy a hybrid line pick-up truck that is efficient, saves money and creates less pollution on busy Texas highways,” said Congressman Burgess after driving the hybrid line pick-up truck.

Congressman Burgess is a member of both the House Science and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committees, which have jurisdiction over the bold FreedomCAR (Cooperative Automotive Research) and Hydrogen Fuel initiative, which President Bush proposed during his State-of-the-Union address in January.

The goal of this new FreedomCAR program is to make hydrogen fuel cell technology a viable alternative to traditional energy sources, thereby reducing our energy dependence on other nations. There are many benefits to this technology, including a cleaner environment and the possibility that research can spur further technological innovation.

Congressman Burgess, along with other members of the U.S. House of Representatives, voted to pass The Energy Security Act of 2003, H.R. 6, earlier this year. H.R. 6 contains a provision that authorizes a hydrogen fuel cell program with the goal of launching hydrogen fuel cell cars into the market by model year 2020.