Press Releases

Denton Municipal Airport Receives Important Expansion Funding

Congressman Michael C. Burgess (TX-26) is pleased to announce that the Denton Municipal Airport will receive $2 million dollars under the Airport Improvement Program operated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for improvements to its airport. These funds are a portion of the 2003 fiscal year omnibus appropriations package, totaling $397.4 billion, passed by the U.S. Congress last night.

“This project is a priority for me because it will provide important aviation and economic development benefits to my district,” commented Congressman Burgess. “As a life long resident of Denton County, I understand the importance of funding the expansion and development of local transportation entities. In the future, I will work towards ensuring that the Denton Municipal Airport receives other needed funds so it continues to be an economic asset to the area.”

The airport improvement project will use these funds for the expansion of the apron, lengthening of the runway and installation of air traffic control equipment at the Denton Airport. These improvements will enhance safety and ensure that the airport, which serves as a reliever for Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and has been designated as a “super reliever” airport by FAA, will continue to play its important role in the economy of Denton and North Central Texas.

In the overall omnibus package, the U.S. Department of Transportation received $3.4 billion for the Airport Improvement Program, which is $100 million over FY’02 funding. And, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) received $13.6 billion. This will be used to enhance security in the skies by providing $87 million over last year's level.

"This budget will help meet important transportation needs. The increased funding will help the Denton Municipal Airport better serve the growing North Texas community,” commented Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson after learning the funding was part of the omnibus package.

The airport improvement project enjoys widespread support from local political and business leaders as well as the citizens of Denton, who overwhelmingly voted to approve a bond issue last year that will provide the local match for this project.