Press Releases

Burgess Supports Reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration

An Investment in America’s Aviation Future

Today, U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure, voted in favor of The Flight 100 - Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act, H.R. 2115 which passed by an overwhelming majority in the House of Representatives. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers historic flight. The bipartisan Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act passed the House today 418 - 8.

“Our country has the most sophisticated commercial aviation system in the world. We will continue to build on the one hundred years of manned air flight since the Wright Brothers first took flight, said Congressman Burgess.

Under the passed House bill DFW International Airport is expected to receive $6.5 million in funding.

The Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act meets the challenges facing our aviation systems by increasing security, expanding airport safety and capacity, and making sure all of our nation’s communities have access to the network. The bill contains the following provisions:
Provided and Protecting Needed Investments In Our Aviation System
· All the taxes and revenues coming into the aviation trust fund from passengers and pilots are fully spent and that the capital programs (airport improvements and air traffic control modernization) are fully funded.
· Funding for the Airport Improvement Program at $3.4 billion in the first year, ramping up by $200 million a year in each subsequent year.
· Increase in the AIP entitlement for cargo airports from 3 percent to 3.5 percent.
Improves Aviation Safety
· Funding for safety and security of aircraft operations in the Gulf of Mexico.
· Creates an office and task force to develop the next generation air traffic control system.
· Requires manufacturers to make maintenance manuals for the products they produce available to the repair stations that must fix them.
· Directs FAA to improve the curriculum for aviation maintenance technicians.
Benefits All Airports
· Requires airlines to place passenger facility charge (PFC) collections in a segregated account so that airports can recover them if the airline goes bankrupt.
· Funding for the contract tower cost-sharing program.
· Limits the amount of AIP that can be spent on modifications of the airport terminal in order to accommodate bomb detection equipment. A separate funding mechanism addresses the need for funding in this area.
· Requires a 30-day notice before an airport can be closed.
Benefits Air Passengers
· Requires airlines to notify passengers where the aircraft they are riding on was built.
· Includes security complaints in DOT's monthly passenger complaint reports.
· Directs FAA to undertake the studies called for in the National Academy of Sciences study of cabin air quality.
· Requires airlines involved in an accident to notify people on the ground whose homes are destroyed of their rights and requires the airlines to provide a way for families of victims to view the NTSB proceedings on the crash.
“Airports are economic development engines. Airport development is a real economic stimulus that creates both immediate jobs and long-term economic development. Once this bill is enacted, my constituents will have the tools and resources necessary to attract even more air service, related economic development, and most importantly further expand their connections to the national and global economy. This legislation is essential to my local community. The Dallas/Fort Worth airport is the largest employer of the area and a vital economic engine of the region,” commented Burgess.