Press Releases

Burgess Retains Seat on Powerful House Committee

U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) continues his service as a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee for the 110th Congress. He has been selected to sit on four subcommittees including the Heath; Energy and Air Quality; Oversight and Investigations; and Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection.

Elected in 2002, Congressman Burgess served on the House Transportation and Infrastructure, Government Reform and Science Committees during his first term. Re-elected in 2004, the Republican Steering Committee assigned Congressman Burgess a seat on the prestigious House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The Energy and Commerce Committee is one of only a few exclusive committees in the House of Representatives. Its jurisdiction is arguably the broadest, non-tax-oriented jurisdiction of any Congressional committee. It maintains principal responsibility for legislative oversight relating to public health, air quality and environmental health, the supply and delivery of energy, telecommunications, and interstate and foreign commerce. This jurisdiction extends over five Cabinet-level departments and seven independent agencies--from the Energy, Health and Human Services, and Transportation Departments to the Federal Trade Commission, Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission.

“As a physician, my first choice for a committee assignment was Energy and Commerce because of its breadth of influence over health care legislation,” said Congressman Michael Burgess. “I will be introducing legislation during the 110th Congress that will bring affordable health care to Americans and transparency to the entire system. My subcommittee assignments ideally suit my legislative priorities.”

In addition to his service on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Congressman Michael Burgess has been named the sole Vice Chairman for the Republican House Policy Committee which serves as a formal council to formulate and implement national legislative priorities, and to improve relationships between the executive and legislative branches of government.

“The Policy Committee provides an avenue for every member of the Conference to transform sensible ideas into sound legislation,” said Congressman Burgess. “It offers a unique opportunity for participation by members whose legislative ideas do not, in every case, coincide with their committee assignments.”