Press Releases

Burgess Supports Drought Bill Heading for Bush’s Signature


Representative Michael C. Burgess (TX-26) was a cosponsor of H.R. 5136, National Integrated Drought Information System Act of 2006 (NIDIS). This bill was introduced by fellow North Texan Representative Ralph Hall on April 6, 2006. H.R. 5136 passed the House of Representatives on September 26, 2006 and passed the Senate yesterday, on December 6, 2006. It now goes to President Bush’s desk for his signature.

Every year droughts cause between $6 and $8 billion in estimated losses to the national economy. According to several Texas economists, losses in the early 2006 droughts cost an estimated $1.5 billion in Texas alone. At that time, Governor Rick Perry declared drought disasters in 254 counties.

In early 2006, Texas suffered the worst season of drought since the massive droughts of the 1950s – almost since the dust bowl,” said Congressman Michael Burgess. “During this crisis, it became apparent that dealing with drought situations as an emergency, reactionary response was inefficient. The NIDIS will change how we operate for the better.”

The NIDIS bill establishes a national integrated drought information system and designates the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as the lead agency. NOAA would be responsible for creating a drought early warning system and improved communication efforts with the public. This will be a comprehensive system helping national, state and local entities better predict, monitor and mitigate the problem.

NIDIS is part of the President's budget, and this bill formally authorizes the program. The legislation is supported by the Texas Farm Bureau and the Western Governor's Association.