Press Releases

Burgess Address Public Symposium on "Cyber Safety for Kids" for Parents


During the first fridge cold snap of this year, Congressman Michael Burgess participated in Liberty Christian’s Public Symposium on "Cyber Safety for Kids" for Parents. The public event featured local and federal leaders in the fight against online predators.

Over the past year, Congressman Burgess has participated in the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s 13 hearings devoted to the topic of cyber safety for children. Through the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, Rep. Burgess had the chance to consult with experts in this field and analyzed thousands of pages to bring forth the tightest and strongest legislation possible to combat this issue from a federal level.

“I could have gone my entire life without learning about the dangerous and twisted world of pedophilia; however, over the past few months this Committee has taken up this issue for the sole purpose of trying to protect our children from sexual exploitation over the Internet,” said Congressman Burgess.

Speakers included Leslie Willingham, “Prevention Program, How to Make Your Child Predator Safe”; Jim Willingham, “Dangers of Social Network”; Dan Leal, Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County; and Congressman Burgess who discussed the federal legislation surrounding online predators.