Press Releases

Burgess to Be Named Policy Committee Vice Chairman


The newly elected GOP Policy Committee Chairman Thaddeus McCotter (MI-11) has indicated he intends to restructure the committee and name Representative Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) as Vice Chairman.

Of Representative Burgess, McCotter said, “Mike’s intelligence and integrity command the respect of our entire Republican Conference. Like his Texas constituents, we are all fortunate to have his talents working on behalf of our nation.”  As Chairman of the GOP Policy Committee, Representative McCotter serves as the fourth position in the Republican Leadership.

“After four years on the Policy Committee, I am honored to be selected for such a lofty position,” said Congressman Michael Burgess. “I consider it a position of great responsibility and truly an opportunity for designing sensible legislation.”

The Policy Committee serves as a formal council to meet regularly to facilitate the formulation and carrying out of national policy, and to improve relationships between the executive and legislative branches of the government. In addition, the Policy Committee is an important means for every member of the Conference to develop sound legislative ideas into sound bills. The Policy Committee offers a unique opportunity for participation by members whose legislative ideas do not in every case coincide with their committee assignments, as well as an especially useful mechanism for addressing important issues that cut across committee jurisdictions.