Press Releases

Statement on the Passage of the Wright Amendment in Congress


The following statement may be attributed to U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) concerning the passage of the local compromise concerning the Wright Amendment. The House and Senate have now approved the Wright Amendment Reform Act of 2006:

“With the passage of the Wright Amendment Reform Act by a vote of 386-22, tonight we put to rest decades of controversy. As a representative of D/FW International Airport, I have always felt strongly in protecting the economic engine of North Texas. To this day, I still believe in the integrity of the original Wright Amendment; however, I am pleased that the local entities’ constructed a compromise that met the needs and wishes of all parties. It was long in coming, but thorough in its mission. Not only will the airports and airlines benefit from the compromise but also the tens of thousands of employees and residents of North Texas.

“I commend all the parties associated with this historic compromise. At the urging of Congress, Mayor Moncrief of Fort Worth and Mayor Miller of Dallas spent endless hours working on the best deal possible for the region. Together with DFW International Airport, American Airlines, and Southwest Airlines, they brought to Congress an agreement that will protect and benefit my constituents and allow for better service at Love Field. I sincerely thank the Mayors for their commitment and dedication to this delicate and complicated task.

“Also, the North Texas Delegation has worked endlessly on this matter, and the passage of this legislation today is a testament to the determination and dedication of my colleagues. We have all had to make concessions, but at the end of the day, the enactment of this legislation is crucial for the 26th District of Texas.

“This has always been a local problem, and a local problem deserves a local solution. Mayor Moncrief and Mayor Miller provided a solution that Congress has now been passed into law. The bipartisan Texas Delegation stood together as one and delivered an overwhelmingly historic vote for the people of North Texas.”