Monthly Burgess Bulletin

Burgess - DFW International Airport and TSA To Hold Joint Briefing on Security Threat

DFW International Airport and TSA To Hold Joint Briefing on Security Threat

Congressional Representatives to remark on security procedures

Congressman John Mica, (R-Florida) the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Aviation, will brief the media on the current state of security measures imposed at U.S. airports.  He will be joined by Congressman Michael Burgess of the DFW area for the briefing, along with security professionals from DFW International Airport and the DFW-area office of the Transportation Security Administration.

Today, the U.S. Government has raised the nation's threat level to Severe, or Red, for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom bound for the United States, and to High, or Orange, for all commercial aviation operating in or destined for the United States.

The briefing will discuss the additional security measures now in place.

2:00 PM, Thursday, August 10, 2006

South Ticketing Hall (D18), International Terminal D, DFW International Airport


*       Rep. John Mica, (R) Florida 7th District, Chairman, House Aviation Subcommittee
*       Rep. Michael Burgess, (R) Texas 26th District
*       Jimmy Wooten, DFW TSA Federal Security Director
*       Alvy Dodson, Vice President Public Safety, DFW International Airport
*       Ken Capps, Vice President Public Affairs, DFW International Airport


*       News vehicles parked at curbside may not be left unattended
*       Equipment bags may not be left unattended in the terminal
*       News crews will not be allowed into secure areas of the terminal

Please RSVP your participation to Brian Murnahan at or 972-574-1306 or 972-948-2027.

Ken Capps, APR
Vice President, Public Affairs
DFW International Airport