Press Releases

Child Exploitation over the Internet: What Parents, Kids and Congress Need to Know about Child Predators


Statement by the Honorable Michael C. Burgess, M.D.

Child Exploitation over the Internet:

What Parents, Kids and Congress Need to Know about Child Predators

May 3, 2006

Thank you Mr. Chairman, and thank you for having this important series of hearings.

As a father of three, I cannot comprehend how people can commit these types of egregious crimes against children. Like my colleagues, I continue to be outraged by the stories we hear. Just last week, I read another story in my hometown newspaper about a local man charged with sexually abusing children and posting their pictures on the Internet. This is happening in our communities, and it must be stopped. For the sake of our children, America cannot afford to ignore this problem any longer.

I view these hearings as having two main goals: 1) educating Congress and the public, and 2) implementing stricter laws for deterrence and retribution. I, for one, have learned a great deal more than what I ever wanted to know about this topic. However, it is crucial for the safety of our children for all of us to know about these evils so that we can help end this abusive and dangerous practice. It is through the brave souls of children like Justin Berry and Masha Allen that we know so much about this secretive world. Masha, thank you for appearing before us today. Your courage and dignity are apparent, and you are an inspiration to us all.

I would also like to thank my good friend, Phil Gingrey, for introducing Masha’s Law. When enacted, this law will help to ensure that abused children receive a portion of the justice and retribution they deserve. I am a proud cosponsor of this bill, and I encourage my colleagues to also cosponsor this important legislation.

As I mentioned, I feel that the second goal of this hearing should be stricter laws regarding this type of abuse. Congressman Gingrey’s legislation is a good start. I also am aware that the Department of Justice has ideas regarding an increase in penalties for ISPs not reporting “known” violations. While this may be a good start, it is my sincere hope that this hearing will be a catalyst for even more legislation aimed at curbing this problem. Our children are depending upon us to do this.

Mr. Chairman, thank you again for your continued leadership and dedication to this grave situation. I look forward to working with you and others on the committee as we continue to seek solutions to this most horrid problem.