Press Releases

Burgess Named South West Transit Assoc Legislator of the Year

Michael C. Burgess, M.D., U.S. Congressman, 26th district of Texas, was honored by the South West Transit Association (SWTA) with the organization’s 2006 Legislator of the Year Award.

The SWTA Legislator of the Year award recognizes a member of the U.S. House or Senate who has significantly advanced the interest of public transportation in the previous year.

The award was presented to Congressman Burgess at the annual SWTA legislative briefing breakfast in Washington, D.C. on March 7 by Dick Ruddell, SWTA secretary-treasurer and president of The Fort Worth Transportation Authority, and by SWTA president Patrick Judge, public affairs director of the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority.

Burgess was nominated by Ruddell for his role in passage of the Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (TEA-LU) in August 2005 and for his support of public transportation nationwide and in Texas.

“Congressman Burgess is a tireless worker for transportation interests in Washington and has increased the level of awareness of public transit in the communities in his district,” said Ruddell. “Those of us in public transportation could not ask for a better partner than Congressman Burgess,” Ruddell added.

Ruddell said that Burgess was instrumental in passage of the transportation bill that will assure funding for transportation over the next six years, strongly supported much higher funding levels in the FY06 transportation appropriations bill, and introduced new streamlining provisions for appropriations to speed the delivery of federal transportation funds.

In his own Texas district, Congressman Burgess initiated an annual “Transportation Summit” that provides education and discussion of issues with city and county officials, universities and policy makers in Denton, Tarrant, Cooke and Dallas counties, the areas where most of the future congestion in North Central Texas is projected. Burgess arranges for the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chair Don Young to lead some of the discussions, providing his district with a broad perspective of transportation issues, according to Ruddell.

“At these summits, Congressman Burgess always involves public transit among the issues and openly supports enhancement and expansion of public transportation for his district.”

In accepting the award, Congressman Burgess said, “I’m very grateful for this honor. Transit plays an important role in addressing air quality and congestion issues. I’m honored by this recognition and pledge my continued support for improved transportation infrastructure. I particularly value the participation and support of The Fort Worth Transportation Authority and the Denton County Transit Authority. Increasing the availability of public transportation throughout the U.S. is important, and I’m pleased that my own North Central Texas region is playing a leadership role to expand this important mode of transportation in a state that has traditionally not been as supportive of public transit options.”

Congressman Burgess was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2002 and served on the House Transportation and Infrastructure and Government Reform and Science committees.

Re-elected in 2004, Congressman Burgess is now a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee for the 109th Congress. The EC Committee’s principal responsibility includes a broad area of legislative oversight including health, air quality, environmental health, the supply and delivery of energy, interstate commerce and transportation.

Burgess holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from North Texas State University in Denton, as well as a master’s in management, from UT Dallas and an M.D. from the University of Texas Medical School in Houston. The founder of a private practice, Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates, Dr. Burgess served as President of the Denton County Medical Society.

The South West Transit Association is a regional association representing the interests of transit agencies and related organizations in Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.