Press Releases

ICYMI: Chairman Burgess Joins FOX News to Discuss President Biden's Cognitive Decline

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Chairman of the Rules Committee, joined FOX News - The Faulkner Focus show for a segment on President Biden's cognitive decline and the significant threat it poses to our national security.


On White House officials coverup of President Biden's cognitive decline and Chairman Comer's subpoenas to testify before Congress:

You knew it, I knew it, we saw it with our own eyes. We were told repeatedly by the White House personnel, that 'no there was no problem. It was an off day, it was an off night.' The fact of the matter is, it's the old watergate question, what did you know and when did you know it.


On whether President Biden is competent enough to stay in for re-election and continue remaining President:

I watched the debate. I was, like everyone else, just as an American, not as a physician, not as a Republican, not as a Democrat, but as an American, I was startled by what I saw. What I saw, was what the entire world saw, is what our friend and foe alike saw. And trust me even your friends will take advantage of you if they think the opportunity is there. 

This was the person that we saw on the debate stage that night, who for 90 minutes was not capable of executing the briefest of functions. I think the whole world sat up and took notice when he said 'we can finally kill Medicare.' News to me. I'm on Medicare I thought it was still going strong. 

I saw what everyone else saw. As an American, I was, worried is not the right word. Who is running the show, who is responsible for day to day decisions. Who would be responsible for making the big life or death decision that could possibly walk through that door at any moment. These are the type of questions that need to be answered. 

From the Democrats perspective, they preached to us about democracy, Joe Biden got the most votes. He is their nominee. If you truly believe in democracy, the democratic process, I don't see how you replace him. And if you do replace him, I don't know how you do anything but go to the next person on the ticket. But, that's their deal, that's not something I get to participate in. But what I do get to participate in, is I got a Commander in Chief right now that seems to be missing in action. 


On the shifting sands at the White House causing even more suspicion to what's really going on:

Well it doesn't help, does it. Which is why Chairman Comer is asking for these employees to come in and help give us a full picture of what is the day to day experience in the White House is actually like. It is unfortunate that the Press Secretary chose that moment to mislead. I feel bad for the press corp, but on the other hand the press corp, in my opinion, the press corp has been remarkably incurious perhaps the last three and a half years.

There have been signs and symptoms of this problem, that have been readily apparent for quite some time. Look if the President wants to put a lot of these things to rest. Then come talk to us. Come do frequent, unscripted press conferences. Show us that, you got the mental acuity to go one on one. I don't see that being set up. I don't see that happening. But that's really what's going to be required to reassure the American people that things are in fact ok at the White House. Right now they say they're not, I tend to agree with them. The Press corp plays a vital role in this as does Congress. We have our oversight responsibility. Chairman Comer is exactly right to ask these people to come talk with us. 

