A Doctor's Note

Your Doctor's Note

Dear Friends,

It was a busy week in Washington. Today, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and earlier this week the Energy and Commerce Committee passed important legislation out of the Subcommittee on Health.
The NDAA, a piece of legislation that reflects one of Congress' primary responsibilities, providing for the common defense as outlined in the Constitution, passed the House today. While no bill is perfect, this legislation paves the way for undoing harmful partisan policies imposed on our military by the current administration. It eliminates critical race theory training and rejects Green New Deal initiatives. Additionally, it safeguards the rights of servicemembers who have made personal decisions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, ensuring their protection and providing a pathway for those unfairly discharged due to vaccination-related issues to return to service.

Furthermore, we achieved significant progress in the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health. The PREEMIE Act, the Support Act, and the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act were passed through the subcommittee. The Pandemic All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) reauthorization has also successfully passed out of the subcommittee, providing a vital framework for bolstering our nation's preparedness and response to various hazards.

Whether it is ensuring the strength and readiness of our military or advancing health care initiatives, our commitment to America remains unwavering. 

Remember to mark your calendars for my Energy Efficiency Summit & Fair on July 29th. I hope to see you and your family there.  

Until next time, this is your doctor's note.
Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D.