Press Releases

Burgess: The Biden Administration Only Cares About Themselves

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee, joined Fox Business' The Big Money Show to discuss debt ceiling negotiations and the end of Title 42. 

On the end of Title 42: “How insulting is it for every American traveler who has to take off their shoes and show a photo ID? And yet people are being put on planes with only travel documents that they've been given by the immigration folks. Nobody knows who they are, nobody knows their background, nobody knows where they came from. It is all about to [after the end of Title 42] multiply by a hundredfold. And it is going to be so much worse than anyone has ever seen before. Look, we got to do what we can do to try to try to control this. That's why the bill today is so important.” 
On President Biden’s meeting with Speaker McCarthy: “No one thought Speaker McCarthy could get the Limit, Save, Grow Act through the House, but he did. Now the big news is they're down at the White House today talking about the debt limit, which they [the Biden Administration] never would have done before.” 
On the debt ceiling negotiations: “Average people don't understand why the administration denies that their spending is a problem that is hurting average Americans. It's almost like the administration doesn't care about those people. They only care about themselves and that's wrong.”