Press Releases

Burgess Opposes Short-Term Spending Bill

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), released the following statement after voting against the Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government until December 23.

"This is just the latest attempt by Democrats to buy themselves additional time to pass a massive lame-duck spending bill," said Burgess. "Since 1954, control of the House has changed five times. Not once has there been an instance of Congress passing an omnibus spending bill before a new House majority takes power. This is a dangerous precedent and one I cannot support.

"This Congress had the opportunity to pass a budget, and they didn't. Now that the clock is running out, that responsibility should fall on the incoming Congress. One of the most significant problems facing legislators in Washington is the cumulative effect of surrendering our constitutional prerogatives to the President and a permanent bureaucracy. Congress has forfeited our power of the purse and the system as it currently operates is not functioning as the founders intended. I look forward to a new Congress where Republicans have a much more significant say in the final product.

“Simply put, the United States can't afford a Pelosi-Schumer spending bomb, and Congress should be held accountable. We must make Congress do its job on time again. Americans have spoken and elected a new House Republican majority ready to do just that."