Press Releases

Changing the Electoral Count will not Prevent Future Attacks

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) released the following statement after he voted against H.R. 8873, the Presidential Election Reform Act.

“Once again House Democrats are pushing through a partisan messaging that will go nowhere in the Senate and will not reach the President’s desk, instead of focusing on the numerous crises facing the American people,” said Burgess. “There have been no markups or hearings in the committee of jurisdiction. Nor did the authors of this legislation choose to follow the bipartisan plan introduced in both the Senate and the House. This is just another distraction in hopes of scoring political points before the mid-term elections.

“House Democrats need to stop letting President Trump live rent free in their heads and focus on the crises that President Biden has created. My friend, Republican Leader for the Committee on House Administration, Rodney Davis said it best yesterday during the Rules’ hearing, “changing the electoral count will not prevent future attacks on the Capitol.”