Press Releases

Burgess: Ignoring bipartisan efforts is legislative malpractice

Washington, D.C. – After days of bipartisan negotiations, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Democrats chose to ignore these good-faith efforts and jeopardize legislation that could provide a solution to pay our health care providers and protect the access to care American seniors expect. Instead, Congressional Democrats chose to tie this legislation to increasing the debt ceiling to support their careless, partisan spending. 

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), could not vote in support of legislation that stripped bipartisan solutions and ignored the need for meaningful provider payment reform.

“This is absolutely outrageous. Congressional Democratic leadership is once again committing legislative malpractice,”
said Burgess. “The legislation put before the House today is nothing more than a band-aid. As a doctor, I know that you will be unsuccessful using a band-aid when a suture is necessary. American seniors and doctors need Congress to enact meaningful solutions. Our health care providers should not have to wait each year to see if Congress acts.”

“Our nation is experiencing a shortage of health care workers and hospital consolidation is becoming the new normal. Further, the offset proposed in this legislation not only robs Peter to pay Paul but robs Peter’s grandchildren to pay Paul.

“There are solutions that could have been offered as an offset, such as using the Provider Relief Fund. This solution would have provided targeted relief to the providers who need it most and would be consistent with the intent of the fund. The money is already there, but sensible, fiscal reform is clearly a foreign concept to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.”