A Doctor's Note

A Doctor's Note: This week in Washington

Dear Friends,

In case you missed last Friday, I joined Grant Stinchfield to discuss my view on vaccine mandates and how the Biden Administration has used the vaccine to alienate instead of unite.

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Americans should have a choice in whether or not they receive a vaccine, and those who are not comfortable should not be called out or isolated.

Maybe if the President stuck to his promise to unite our country instead of continuing to divide it, we would be in a different situation.

I mentioned to Liz MacDonald on Fox Business' The Evening Edit that the vaccines have been helpful, and quite frankly mandates have not. In fact mandates have been destructive, they drive oppositional behavior. We know this because of previous history when other vaccines were mandated. It has not worked as intended.

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Headlines for the week:

  1. Due to the immigration policies put in place by President Biden’s Administration, we are experiencing a crisis at our southern border greater than we’ve seen in the last 20 years. I urged the House Judiciary Committee today to conduct rigorous oversight over enforcement of our immigration laws. I am fighting to end the Flores Settlement loophole while strengthening our asylum laws.
  2. I introduced H.R. 5612 to provide critical relief to physicians and health care providers facing the looming Medicare payment cuts by using unobligated funds from the Provider Relief Fund to offset cost.

Until next time, this is your doctor's note.
Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D.