Press Releases

ICYMI: Burgess joined CNN and Newsmax

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) recently made appearances on CNN's Newsroom with Pamela Brown, Newsmax's National Report, and CNN's Cuomo Prime Time to discuss COVID-19 vaccination rates, protests in Cuba, and Texas State Legislature Democrats leaving the state to avoid voting on Texas' election legislation.

CNN's Newsroom with Pamela Brown:


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“You have to do your own research. Talk to the people that you trust to get your medical care. Talk to your doctor, talk to your pharmacist. That’s what we’ve been trying to do as a Doctor’s Caucus, generally, is trying to make information available from a trusted source.”

Newsmax's National Report:


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"The Cuban people are suffering because their government does not want to help them and that is the sad reality. I have actually been to Cuba myself a couple of times.... One Cuban showed me his ration book. Can you imagine living with a ration book? Your government sends you a ration book. This is how much rice, this is how many slices of bread you’re going to get this month. Who wants to live like that? These great people that are out there protesting, good for them." 

“You’re elected to do a job and you should show up to work to do your job. Otherwise, why did you run for office? That’s what they signed up for, that’s what they ran for."

CNN's Cuomo Prime Time:


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"Can I just correct one thing? I don’t believe in the vaccine, I believe in God. But, I think that the vaccine is an answer to prayers.... Talk to your doctor, talk to your trusted medical professional. Get the straight information." 
