Press Releases

Burgess on Mornings with Maria: “The current Administration needs to spend a little more effort making sure that they understand the problems as well.”

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) joined Fox’s Morning with Maria to talk about the crisis at our southern border and the origins of COVID-19. 


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Understanding the problem: “Biden does need to go to the Border. Kamala Harris' trip last week was welcomed, but it was incomplete. I think [HHS] Secretary Becerra actually had to go and complete the trip by visiting Fort Bliss, which the vice-president did not visit. I was there just a few weeks ago. It is important that the people who are making the decisions understand what they are working with, and if you do not go, you do not understand it.”

Texas should not foot the bill: “Well of course the President's budget did not acknowledge that there was a problem so that it would not have allowed money toward it. But realistically you have the immediate direct cost, the costs that are being borne by the State of Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) that are having patrols on the border on the Rio Grande itself… None of that right now, none of that is being reimbursed.”

Hold China accountable: “Here is the tragic part: the Chinese government knew that this was happening, and they didn't stop it. They stopped it internally, but they did not stop it to the rest of the world. Oh, what devastation that happened, not just the fiscal devastation but the human toll that this has taken. They do need to be held accountable for that; the world cannot sit back." 
