A Doctor's Note

Hope for the New Year

Dear Friends,

This month we have seen two COVID-19 vaccines receive Emergency Use Authorizations.

This is great news and an exciting time to be an American. To have a safe and effective vaccine not even one year from learning about the existence of this virus is an outstanding accomplishment. It is a true testament to the dedication, hard work, and brain power of American scientists.

I said from the beginning of this pandemic that it would be because of American innovation we would defeat this virus, and these Emergency Use Authorizations prove it.

Once I am able to, I will lead by example and get one myself. I do encourage you to talk with your doctor about any concerns and then make your decision. But from this doctor, know that I would not encourage something that had not been properly researched, tested, and proven.

May God bless you and your family, and as the song says, God bless you Texas.
