Burgess in the News

The Ripon Advance: Burgess’ bipartisan bill creates $10M grant program to map electric vehicle charging stations

by Ripon Advance News Service

U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) on Nov. 24 introduced bipartisan legislation that would establish a $10 million grant program to map optimal locations for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.

The Electric Vehicle Mobility Area Planning (EV MAP) Act, H.R. 8807, which Rep. Burgess cosponsored with bill sponsor U.S. Rep. Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ), would help communities save money on transportation costs, reduce emissions, and gain access to new transportation technology by providing consumers and developers with improved, data-driven information, according to Rep. Burgess’ office.

“The EV MAP Act addresses one of the most pressing issues EV owners have: range anxiety,” Rep. Burgess said. “This small investment will provide more accessible information for EV owners and infrastructure developers to make better decisions within a free market, without massive taxpayer spending or heavy-handed federal mandates.”

According to the text of H.R. 8807, the U.S. Energy Secretary would be required to establish the grant program no later than 180 days after the bill is enacted to provide grants to eligible entities and partnerships of eligible entities. 

Grant funds could be used to determine where EV charging stations will be needed to meet the current and future needs of EV drivers in the five-year period following receipt of a grant, and to help guide future investments for EV charging stations, among other provisions, according to the bill’s text.

“Electric vehicles are a growing part of our nation’s auto fleet in the 21st century. Several auto manufacturers are already expanding their electric vehicle product lines,” added Rep. Burgess. “These innovative vehicles hold the promise to create many new manufacturing jobs here in the United States and answer consumer demands for lower overall energy costs while reducing auto emissions.”

H.R. 8807, which has garnered support from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the Environmental Defense Fund, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, and the Edison Electric Institute, has been referred for consideration to the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee.

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