A Doctor's Note

A Thanksgiving Blessing

This Thanksgiving holiday is about much more than turkey and pumpkin pie. The novel Coronavirus has taken a lot from us this year. Many of us have been personally affected by this virus whether it’s been thru losing a love one or having our lives completely changed, but it is still important for us to reflect and be grateful. 

This month, not one but three effective Coronavirus vaccines were announced. We have therapeutics and treatments producing more successful outcomes. 

Americans have stepped up each and every day. We have seen front line health care workers put their lives on hold to defeat this virus. American scientists work around the clock to find cure. Parents taking on a new role as teachers. And many of us choosing to stay home so that essential workers could be put a lower risk. 

So, while this Thanksgiving may not be the picturesque Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom from Want”, we do have many blessings for which to be grateful. Please join me in giving thanks for those blessings. 

I wish you and your family a happy and safe Thanksgiving.