Press Releases

Burgess: Our elections must be free of foreign interference

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, released the following statement in light of Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and FBI Director Christopher Wray reporting evidence of foreign interference in the 2020 Election.

“Americans need to have confidence that our elections are safe and secure,” said Burgess. "It is nothing new that our enemies seek to sow discord to undermine our elections. The greatest threat to their sovereignty is democracy and freedom. Rather than working to ensure the wellbeing of their own people, these foreign dictators want to make our great society look like a failure. The United States is the greatest country on earth, born out of grit and the desire for self-determination. We will continue representation by and for the people, as outlined by our founders in the Constitution. 

Our federal agencies are working with state and local election officials to ensure all aspects of the November 3rd election are valid and legitimate.  I appreciate the efforts of Director Ratcliffe and Director Wray to ensure the integrity of this election.  You can be sure that your voice will be counted."