Press Releases

ICYMI: Burgess to Fox and Friends Weekend – It is past time Congress’ has a COVID-19 testing plan

Washington, D.C. – In case you missed it on Saturday, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, appeared on Fox & Friends Weekend to emphasize the need for congressional leadership to consider testing for the Capitol complex. 

Here are the highlights: 

“Look, the House at least has gone home now for an extended period. We’ve got some work we still need to do so it’s a high likelihood that we will be back. It does make some degree of sense to know who’s putting people at risk, and who’s not. We’ve seen the stories in the papers. A congress-wide [COVID-19] testing policy for not just members but personnel on the Hill seems to make some sense just as Representative Davis has so articulately said."

"This is the problem, we’re not even talking about what would be the appropriate [COVID-19] screening, what would be the appropriate screening interval. Would it just be after we all came back from our districts? Is there a way to pool samples so you don’t consume the amount of consumables that are used in each test? Are there new-point-of-care tests that perhaps could be administered with greater facility? But again, we’re not even having a discussion so there’s no way to know what’s possible."

Watch the full interview, here.