Burgess in the News

Breitbart: House Democrats Block Funding for Police, Small Business Aid

by Sean Moran

House Democrats blocked three bills on Saturday that would have provided funding for law enforcement, aid to small businesses, and more funding for potential coronavirus treatments.

Rep. Rob Woodall (R-GA) introduced a motion to defeat the previous question, which would have allowed for the consideration of three House Republican bills to better Americans’ lives.

The first bill, sponsored by Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX), would have provided emergency funding to continue the development of vaccines, therapeutics, and building up a strategic stockpile of personal protective equipment and other medical supplies. The bill would have also helped secure America’s manufacturing and supply chains.

The second bill, sponsored by Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH), would have extended the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and allowed small businesses to receive a second PPP loan.

The third bill, introduced by Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN), would have provided additional funding for police departments, better training, and body cameras.

House Democrats shot down the measure, with 230 votes in favor of advancing the previous question, and 171 votes in favor of blocking the previous question and having the House consider the GOP votes.

Two hundred and thirty Democrats voted to block the House Republican bills to fund the police, aid small businesses suffering through the coronavirus pandemic, and help develop vaccines and therapeutics to treat patients with the coronavirus. One hundred and seventy Republicans voted in favor of considering the GOP bills.

Woodall said on the House floor on Saturday that unlike the House Democrats postal funding bill, his colleagues’ legislation can make it through the House, Senate, and get signed by the president.

Woodall said that his colleagues’ legislation could:

… go through the Senate, can go to the president’s desk and make a real difference and help the American people. Dealing with important issues like health care, like relief, like folks suffering from COVID, the COVID economic crisis, and our law enforcement reform activities.

Woodall said that the House Democrats’ postal funding bill “is going nowhere.”

Originally published here