Burgess in the News

Rep. Michael Burgess to Newsmax TV: New Democrat Bill Will Be Dead On Arrival

by Tuaren Dyson

The new stimulus bill proposed by the House will be dead on arrival, Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, told Newsmax TV.

House Democrats recently announced a massive coronavirus stimulus bill valued at more than $3 trillion, which would be the largest relief package ever. The measure is aimed at aiding states and local governments.

Burgess told Thursday's "Spicer & Co." "It's [the bill] never going to see the light of day. The president wouldn't sign it, but it won't matter because he'll never get it, because this bill will not make it through the Senate,"

Burgess said he and his colleagues just got the bill on Wednesday, making it hard to truly scrutinize the measure.

"We just got it yesterday ... it's 1,800 pages," Burgess said.

He continued: "There are some things that I might even support in the bill. That's really the tragedy here.  The fact that this was written by the speaker [Nancy Pelosi] and her staff, behind closed doors, their side didn't get to participate and certainly no one on our side got to participate.

"We passed a big two and a quarter trillion dollar bill before and there were some things we didn't get quite right — surprise, surprise — a bill that big and passed that fast. Well let's come back and try to fix some of that, but that's not what we're doing here."

Burgess said the bill is meant to appeal to the far left Democrat base, which is why the party doesn't want Republicans to look at the measure more closely.

"My expectation is it will come under a closed rule. Most of their bills do come under closed rules and don't allow for open amendments on the floor, which is how a true appropriations bill should be handled. We should let every member have their opportunity to try to improve things, but that won't happen on this bill," Burgess said.

Published here.