Burgess in the News

KFI AM 640:Texas House Members Eager to Get Back to Work

by Nik Rajkovic

The U.S. Senate returns to work Monday, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is keeping her members home.

Congressman Dan Crenshaw called the Speaker's decision a cowardly act.

“The Senate is going back to work and thank God we have them doing that. The House needs to the same. This is cowardly to the core,” the Houston Republican told Fox News. “I honestly cannot even believe it. This is such a lack of leadership.”

“You can exert the same kind of risk mitigation measures that everybody else across America is doing, yet Nancy Pelosi refuses to do that.”

If Democrats want to work from home, they should find a job where they can do that.

Otherwise, Nancy Pelosi should find some courage, show some leadership, and bring the House back to Washington.

We’ve made ample modifications to keep members safe.

No excuses. Duty.

Dallas-area Congressman Michael Burgess is a former OBGYN.

“We're asking everybody else to show up. We're asking of our grocery store clerks, of our medical personnel. We've got work to do too. And we should be on about getting it done.”

“Everybody knows senators are characteristically older and slower than we are in the House. Perhaps their population is little more at risk. If they're able to do this, we should be as well.”

Published here.