Press Releases

Burgess to Chris Salcedo: The Paycheck Protection Program Provides Financial Protection to American Workers during this Public Health Crisis

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, spoke with Newsmax TV’s Chris Salcedo about the politics of reopening the country and getting Congress back to work amidst the public health crisis.


Here are the highlights: 
The Importance of the Paycheck Protect Program: The money is necessary. I was one of those that had my doubts when Secretary Mnuchin talked about it originally. I wondered if the Small Business Administration would ever be up to the task. Fortunately, in partnerships with small community banks and small lenders the SBA was able to stand up and get a significant amount of money in the hands of people who needed it. Nearly 1 million loans were made in the period of the first week. Many of those loans can be forgiven. The bulk of that money goes to protect workers, it goes to pay for paychecks. It  is an enormously popular program … It’s unbelievable that it could be stopped for purely political reasons, but that’s what seems to have happened.

Should the president adjourn Congress? I don’t know how you’d tell because we’re not there yet. I know it’s been frustrating for the administration. I mean look, this is not new. This has gone on since day one, even before the President was inaugurated. The President is correct; he does need to have timely confirmation of his appointees; he deserves to have the people working in his administration that he wants.

Listen to the full interview here.
