Burgess in the News

DFW CBS Local: Texas Lawmakers React To Senate's Acquittal Of President Trump

WASHINGTON (CBSDFW.COM) – U.S. lawmakers from Texas and even a State Senator are commenting on President Donald Trump’s acquittal on impeachment charges of Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress.

Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX-25) said in a statement Wednesday:

“This impeachment sham has been a great disservice to the American people, with Democrats dedicating precious time to a disingenuous cause. Today, the Senate rightly acquitted President Trump and I hope that we will put this charade behind us so we can get back to work for the American people. We have real challenges that require our undivided attention; securing our border, dealing with the rising cost of prescription drugs, and building our military to defeat the threats of today and tomorrow. I’m proud to stand with our President as we work for Texas.”

Sen. John Cornyn, (R-TX) who voted to acquit the President made the following statements during a speech Wednesday on the Senate floor.

“The impeachment of a president of the United States is simply the gravest undertaking we can pursue in this country. It is the nuclear option in our Constitution.”

“I’ve done my best to listen intently to both sides as they presented their cases during the trial, and I’m confident in saying that President Trump should be acquitted and not removed from office.”

“They failed to bring forward compelling and unassailable evidence of any crime, and thus failed to meet their burden of proof.”

“Our country is deeply divided and damaged by this partisan impeachment process. It’s time for us to bring it to a close and to let the wounds from this unnecessary and misguided episode heal.”

Texas State Senator Royce West, who is running in the Democratic primary with hopes of facing Sen. Cornyn in November released a statement on Cornyn’s vote to acquit President Trump.

John Cornyn has joined Donald Trump and trampled on the Constitution.

At a minimum, Cornyn should have voted to hear the evidence. John Cornyn and I have a clear difference of opinion on whether or not high crimes and misdemeanors that were worthy of impeachment were committed. I believe they were.

Perhaps Senator Cornyn has forgotten what he learned in Constitutional Law in law school.

I didn’t forget. Based on the available facts, I’d have voted to impeach today.

The constitution is sacred. No matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat, the constitution is the common ground that binds us together. I won’t trample on the constitution when I’m in the US Senate. I will respect the constitution regardless of what party is in charge, or who is President.

So far Sen. Ted Cruz has tweeted, “We have a #Verdict: President @realDonaldTrump has been acquitted by the U.S. Senate on both Articles!”

Another Democrat running for Sen. Cornyn’s seat, MJ Hegar released the following statement.

“As someone who was willing to take a bullet to fulfill my oath to support and defend the Constitution, it has been frustrating to witness Senator Cornyn under the direction of his political boss Mitch McConnell continually violate his oath by refusing to have a fair process or listen to evidence and testimony. Washington is broken, and Texans know that the only way to fix it is to replace career politician Senator Cornyn with a combat veteran and working mom who will respect the Constitution and never put politics ahead of the good of our country.”

U.S. Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) said in a statement:

“On the day Speaker Pelosi began the impeachment inquisition, I predicted Democrats would regret their decision to impeach. Today, President Trump has been acquitted, his approval ratings have never been higher, and the Democratic Party is in turmoil.

“Speaker Pelosi has made a point to publicly remind the president that their vote in December meant he would be impeached, forever. Until Today. Thanks to the Senate’s vote this evening, President Trump will be acquitted forever.

“I appreciate the Senate for ripping up the pages of this sham impeachment.”

Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“Today is a dark day for our democracy.

“The evidence was overwhelming and irrefutable. Trump betrayed our democracy, our national security, and our entire country. No party, no president, no member of Congress is above the law. The House was right to impeach Trump.

“It is the solemn duty of the Senate to seek justice, deliver a full and fair trial, and uphold the Constitution. We watched as Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn, acquitted this corrupt president and administration.

“We must change the course of American politics, and that begins right here in Texas. This is the most important election in modern history. We will defeat Donald Trump and John Cornyn.”

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), issued the following news release on the matter:

Today, the national trauma that has divided our country ended,” Burgess said. “We have known the outcome of this trial since Speaker Pelosi announced the investigation for Articles of Impeachment.

“Members of the Senate took their responsibility seriously and thus a majority voted to acquit the President of both charges.

“Over the past four months, America watched as House leadership forced a partisan impeachment investigation at the expense of putting the country first. This fundamental failure of duty degrades the institution and defied the standards of decorum normally present in this great body. Engaging in actions as grave as impeachment to remove a sitting President based on policy and personality disagreements threatens the separation of powers the founders so deliberately placed in the Constitution.

“As we move forward in the coming days and months, my desire is that we will be able to bridge the divide created by this process and be able to come back together and heal the wounds caused by this partisan exercise.

“To recall another time, truly our long national nightmare is finally over.”

Article published here.