Burgess in the News

CNSNews.com: Rep. Burgess on Democrats' Impeachment Push: 'People Are Sick of This'

by Susan Jones

(CNSNews.com) – “Any time we're talking about President Trump, he's winning," Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) told Fox News on Friday morning.

So if Democrats are playing a "mind game" or trying to get under Trump's skin by holding up the articles of impeachment, "okay – great," he said.

"But people are sick of this," Burgess continued:

The words I hear most often are 'mad,' 'sad,' and 'frustrated' by the process that's taken so long in the House. And you know what, there are other things we could be doing that we are not doing, kind of underscored by the last-minute passage of that big trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada.

I mean, Mexico's our number one trading partner. The fact that that agreement was held up for almost a year because they didn't want to give the president a win on anything? And they wanted to occupy their time with impeachment?

And again, people are frustrated by this.

Burgess said everyone knows how the story will end, once House Democrats send the two articles of impeachment – neither enumerating a crime -- over to the Senate:

There are not two-thirds of the senators willing to convict and remove the president…and in an election year, for crying out loud, so as a consequence, we all know how this ends. So to the extent that they're simply taking up space and taking up valuable time -- I guess that must be a game plan, but it doesn't seem like a winning strategy to me."

Article published here.