Burgess in the News

Newsmax: Rep. Burgess: No Single Way to Stop Gun Violence

by Sandy Fitzgerald

Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, said Monday there is no single way to stop gun violence such as the slayings that occurred in El Paso, Texas, and in Dayton, Ohio, but he was encouraged by President Donald Trump's "forceful" statement about the path going forward. 

"I for one am glad to hear the Department of Justice is willing to step up," Rep. Burgess, who represents the state's 26th district in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, told Fox News' "America's Newsroom." "You know, the cautionary note that we have all seen, when the information is revealed around the shootings, that there were a number of things that were blinking red, and no one did anything."

Burgess added he likes the concept of a temporary gun violence protective order Trump has discussed. 

"If there are red flags, law enforcement needs to do something," Burgess said. "Provide all due process protections for law-abiding citizens, but this is one of the things that I think will go along way toward alleviating this problem."

Meanwhile, Burgess said in the Democrat-controlled House, there are lawmakers who do not want to give Trump a win on anything because they are "positioning themselves for 2020," even if he is open to suggestions. 

"Of course, when you have these two episodes occur back-to-back, extremely important to know is there something else waiting in the wings?" Burgess said. "Is there another shoe yet to drop on this? They do appear to be completely unrelated. As far as the individual who left the north Texas area to go to El Paso, it seems like that was the action of a single individual and not all larger block, and the president also mentioned the death penalty. Obviously, the death penalty is alive and well in Texas."

Read the full article here.