Press Releases

Burgess Votes to Pass Defense Appropriations for 2020 Fiscal Year

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health released the following statement after the House passed both appropriations packages for the 2020 Fiscal Year.

“Since coming to Congress, I have worked to ensure that Texas values are reflected in our government spending,” Burgess said. “I understand the importance of providing funding for the humanitarian and security crisis on our southern border and working to rebuild our military after years of being underfunded.” 

“While one of the appropriations bills included critical funding the other left hardworking Americans with the check. It is past time for Congress to pass twelve appropriations bills, as required by law. We can no longer afford to wait until the last minute to complete one of our most basic, and important, responsibilities. I believe I was sent to Congress to provide fiscal solutions that will rein in our national deficit while continuing to grow our economy, allowing for hard-working families to prosper. My desire is that in the coming year Congress will put aside partisan politics and get back to the business of legislating on behalf of the American people.” 

Burgess voted to pass the defense and national security appropriations bill.

  • The Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations packages included the following:
  • Prioritizes national security and continues to rebuild the military.
  • Provides $1.3 billion for a border wall system along our southern border.
  • Provides resources and authorities to address the humanitarian and security crisis on our southern border.
  • Maintains prior pro-life funding restrictions.
  • Provides affordable alternatives to expensive Obamacare plans.