Burgess in the News

Burgess Praises Advancement of Key E&C Health Bills

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Republican Leader of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, released the following statement after the Energy and Commerce Committee advanced critical bipartisan health care bills at today’s markup.

“Today the Energy and Commerce advanced several bipartisan health care bills that will serve American patients in North Texas and beyond. These measures include extending funding for critical programs such as the Special Diabetes Program, National Health Service Corps, and community health centers, as well as a measured solution for surprise billing that removes patients from the middle of billing disputes. We also advanced my provision to extend the Independence at Home Demonstration program, a fiscally-responsible measure to help vulnerable seniors access quality care at home, and my EMPOWER for Health Act, which would reauthorize the important Title VII physician workforce program.

“The overwhelming support for these bills – on both sides of the dais – exemplifies the need for House Leadership to bring them to the House Floor for a vote. I urge all Members of Congress to pass these commonsense priorities for America patients.” 
