Burgess in the News

Burgess Condemns House Democrats’ Meaningless Messaging Bill

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) released the following statement on House Democrats’ H.Res. 489, yet another example of the Majority’s commitment to prioritizing progressive political messaging ahead of effective governance.

Today Dr. Burgess traveled back to Texas to attend a memorial service celebrating the life of Ross Perot, an outstanding North Texan with deep ties to Texas’ 26th Congressional District. Though he was unable to return to the Capitol in time to make the vote on this partisan messaging vehicle, Dr. Burgess would have voted no on H.Res. 489.

“Time and again, House Democrats have proven that they are far more interested in pushing partisan messaging to their progressive base than actually serving the American people. The resolution under consideration today was so blatantly inappropriate that its title cannot be read on the House Floor, per House Democrats’ own rules for the 116th Congress and longstanding precedent.

“President Trump has a proven record of delivering policy results that help Americans – of all races, ethnicities, religions, and political affiliations – expand their opportunities to succeed. The benefits of record-low unemployment and wage growth, new investments in a cure for sickle cell disease and HIV prevention, and unprecedented efforts to prevent maternal mortality deaths know no racial, gender, or ethnic bounds, but rather are making a tangible difference in the lives of all Americans across the country.

“Rather than continue to obsess over their hatred of President Trump and their ongoing battle to defeat any progress he has made, House Democrats should be willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work on issues that impact American families – lowering drug prices, supporting our Armed Forces, encouraging innovation, and defending our nation. I remain willing to collaborate with any and all Members of Congress to get these jobs done for the American people.” 
