Press Releases

ICYMI: Dr. Burgess Offers a Path to a Secure Border

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, spoke on the House Floor last week about the history of several Administrations’ use of “zero-tolerance” immigration policy throughout American history.

Using case studies of Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama’s enforcement policies, Dr. Burgess traces the roots of today’s immigration chaos, and offers a path forward to securing our borders.

Key Excerpts:

There is significant proof that an enforcement-first policy deters people from subjecting themselves to harm by taking the perilous trip to the American border, whether it be by land or by sea.

From Governor Clinton’s [1992 campaign] promises, the people of Haiti expected to be welcomed into the United States with open arms. The problem is, after securing the White House, President-Elect Clinton had a change of heart.

The traffickers and coyotes in Central America use our words – our words spoken here on the floor of this House in Washington, D.C. – they use our words to prey on the disadvantaged in Central American countries. They encourage families to put their children on top of a freight train – the train called La Bestia – from southern Mexico to the Rio Grande, subjecting their children to violence of cartels or worse. These are children, some of whom will not arrive in the United States due to the dangers of their journey.

When we say – or even suggest – that children could receive amnesty at the border, we put innocent lives at risk. We can be compassionate, and we can provide a secure border at the same time. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive.

Perhaps our foreign aid – to countries such as Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and even Mexico – should be tied to how they care for their children. Here’s the deal: Why should we reward countries whose children are fleeing for their safety to the United States?

For more of this speech, please watch his full remarks.