Press Releases

Burgess Statement on President’s Continued Abuse of Executive Order Power

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade, issued the following statement on the President’s announcement to bypass Congress and the legislative process.

“Article I and Article II of the U.S. Constitution, the model for which our government exists, vests all legislative powers in Congress and consigns the power of legislative execution to the President—a simple civics lesson that Barack Obama chooses to disregard repetitively.

“The Executive Branch has made a habit of bypassing the legislative process, acting far beyond its delineated authorities. The President continues to promote his big government agenda—violating Congress’ constitutional oversight of checks and balances.

“President Obama must withdraw and allow the Legislative Branch to do the job that the American people elected it to do.  

“Americans deserve a leader who does not regard the Constitution as a suggestion for the model on which our government should exist—but instead treats it in its intended purpose, as the law of the land.”

Read the letter I cosigned to President Obama in December 2015 in response to reports of his unilateral action on gun control here