Press Releases

Burgess Remarks on the President’s State of the Union Address

Tonight U.S. Representative Michael Burgess (TX-26) attended President George W. Bush’s State of the Union address, for the 4th time. After the address Burgess made the following comments:

“As I sit and contemplate what I believe to be the critical issues facing our country, affordable health care, energy independence and security for our nation in general, it is good to know that the President and I are on the same page.

“Tonight, President Bush reminded the country that he has the vision and tenacity to continue his work in improving America for Americans. He has not wavered on his commitment to enhancing the nation’s health care system, striving for energy independence, securing our borders and defending our country.

“With the President’s leadership, Congress is confronting the challenges brought about by terrorism, natural disasters and economic stress on our citizens. Together, we recognize the areas where the federal government needs to be more flexible in order to persevere through our current challenges.

“There is no doubt in my mind that the world is safer today than when President Bush took office. Democracy is coming to the Middle East, and it gives me hope that sometime later in this century, people that live in liberty will cast a larger footprint on the rest of the world.

“The President’s commitment to reinvest in the productive sector further shows his resolve to put tax money back in the hands of the taxpayers. We have worked in Congress alongside the President to retrain spending, and streamline programs, such as Medicaid, so that they are economically sound and truly benefit those that are intended to receive federal assistance.

“As a doctor, I support President Bush’s aggressive consumer-driven health care initiatives. In order for consumer-driven health care to succeed, we must strive for great transparency in health care costs. Expanding the use of tax-free Health Savings Accounts and implementing a sound health information technology system are two examples of how we can all work to bring down the costs of health care.

“Hailing from North Texas, the home of the natural gas rich Barnett Shale, it was heartening to hear the President discuss the importance of energy issues in this country. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita went a long way to show just how critical this issue is to all Americans. Conservation and alternative resources are integral parts in striving for energy independence. We can reach this goal; we must all do our part.

“Those of us in Congress must continue to exercise our constitutional duty of oversight and investigation. This is an often-overlooked responsibility of Congress. Under this duty, we should encourage and extend those federal policies and ideas which move us in the right direction and conversely, we must redesign those which are coming up short. We owe the American people nothing less.

“Tonight, President Bush gave us all a vision. Although we are a country at war, we are a country that is strong, and piloted by a courageous and proven leader, and I look forward to working on his initiatives as well as my own in 2006.”