Press Releases

Burgess Statement on Lawsuit Against the President

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Committee on Rules, today issued the following statement in reaction to today’s hearing to discuss a lawsuit against President Obama for his failure to enforce provisions of the Affordable Care Act:
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Committee on Rules, today issued the following statement in reaction to today’s hearing to discuss a lawsuit against President Obama for his failure to enforce provisions of the Affordable Care Act:

“Today’s hearing was the first step in a deliberative process of determining whether or not the House of Representatives will move forward with litigation against the president for his failure to enforce key aspects of his health law. 

“While there are numerous examples of President Obama acting unilaterally and unlawfully, his delay of the employer mandate is the most straight forward example of his overreach and, therefore, the example that has the best chance of standing in a court of law. Today, we heard from a panel of distinguished legal experts from across the political spectrum. It is my hope they will guide us as we work through this process.

“This is uncharted territory and thus a novel concept. One body of one branch of government has never before sued another in a court of law. Today’s hearing was a fact finding expedition to hear legal theories that would allow such a suit.

“President Obama has made the Affordable Care Act his signature achievement. He campaigned on it. He wrote it. He signed it into law. And he defended it to the courts. For him to then turn his back on a core provision of it is surprising, unfair and harmful to American employers and families. But simply put, it is also illegal. By circumventing Congress and cherry picking which parts he chooses to enforce, he is legislating without the legislative branch. 

“I disagree wholeheartedly with the heath care law. I oppose the employer mandate because I think it is harmful to American businesses, insurers, doctors, patients and hospitals. But I still maintain that using this example of the president’s overreach is the best opportunity we will have to keep the powers of the executive branch in check and prevent erosion of our bicameral system of government. It is the duty of the People’s House, and I plan to do my part as a member of that body. And as Abraham Lincoln said, ‘the best way to end a bad law is to enforce it strictly.’”

For more information on today’s hearing and the lawsuit, click here
