Press Releases

Burgess, Texas Members Call for IG Investigation into VA

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) today joined members of the Texas delegation in calling for an Inspector General investigation into allegations that Veterans Affairs officials in Central Texas manipulated medical appointment data in order to conceal long wait times for veterans seeking care.
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) today joined members of the Texas delegation in calling for an Inspector General investigation into allegations that Veterans Affairs officials in Central Texas manipulated medical appointment data in order to conceal long wait times for veterans seeking care.

In a letter to Veterans Affairs Acting Inspector General Richard Griffin, Burgess and the other members addressed recent media reports that employees at the North Central Federal Clinic in San Antonio, the Austin Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic and the Waco Veterans Affairs Medical Center were instructed by supervisors to ensure that wait times for veterans were as short as possible. A Veterans Affairs employee who recently worked at all three clinics said staffers falsely logged patients’ desired appointment dates to closely coincide with appointment openings when  in reality, veterans were left waiting for months.     

These reports come on the heels of news that at least 40 veterans in Phoenix died while waiting to receive care. 

In turn, Burgess and the other members called on Griffin to immediately investigate operations at each of the three facilities. 

“The policy of falsifying medical records is dishonest, deceptive, and injurious to veterans,” the members wrote. “Swift action must be taken to protect the health and well-being of our nation’s veterans.”  

“We understand that your office has staff in San Antonio reviewing these allegations,” the letter continued. “However, we want to make sure that your office is also investigating the potential misconduct that may have affected veterans seeking care in Waco and Austin. Any individuals found to have engaged in misconduct or mismanagement must face serious consequences.” 

The members urged Inspector General Griffin to “expeditiously and thoroughly investigate the claims regarding misconduct” and report back to Congress on his findings.  

In addition to Burgess, the letter was signed by Congressmen Lamar Smith (TX-21), Joe Barton (TX-06), Kevin Brady (TX-08), John Carter (TX-31), Michael Conaway (TX-11), John Culberson (TX-07), Blake Farenthold (TX-27), Bill Flores (TX-17), Pete Gallego (TX-23), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Kay Granger (TX-12), Ralph Hall (TX-04), Jeb Hensarling (TX-05), Sam Johnson (TX-03), Kenny Marchant (TX-24), Michael McCaul (TX-10), Randy Neugebauer (TX-19), Pete Olson (TX-22), Ted Poe (TX-02), Pete Sessions (TX-32), Mac Thornberry (TX-13), Randy Weber (TX-14), and Roger Williams (TX-25). 

A copy of the letter can be found here.  
