Press Releases

Burgess’ Iraqi Special Tribunal Resolution Passed in the House

WASHINGTON, DC, December 16, 2005 | Michelle Stein ((202) 225-7772)

Burgess’ Iraqi Special Tribunal Resolution Passed in the House

Today, the House of Representatives passed H.Res.534 which recognizes the importance and credibility of an independent Iraqi judiciary in the formation of a new and democratic Iraq with a vote of 408-1.

The path to a free and democratic Iraq has not been easy. Yet, after years of oppression and torture, the Iraqi people are growing closer to having a nation ruled by the people instead of by terror and fear.

Earlier this year, the passage of the Iraqi Constitution marked a significant milestone in the recovery of the sovereign nation of Iraq. In excess of 60 percent of the people of Iraq braved the terrorists, braved the threats of violence, to be able to cast their vote.

This week, the Iraqi people have reached another historic milestone. Iraqi men and women, worldwide, are going to the polls in droves to be able to democratically elect the nation’s first permanent constitutional parliament in decades. While there will still be hurdles for the Iraqi people to overcome, today we celebrate with our friends as they continue to take courageous steps in becoming their own sovereign nation.

“A crucial component to a free and democratic nation is a judicial system in which alleged criminals can be indicted, prosecuted, and punished in a fair and impartial manner,” stated Congressman Michael Burgess. “We are all aware of the current trial of Saddam Hussein; while his trial is very important, a strong, independent Iraqi judicial system is of even greater importance,”

The Iraqi Special Tribunal has been empanelled to bring swift and impartial justice to both the victims and the nation of Iraq. H.Res.534 will show our support of this icon of democracy – a true, legal judicial system.

“The people of Iraq, the people of a sovereign nation, deserve the true justice which can only be obtained through a recognized and credible judicial system,” said Congressman Burgess.

In the past two years, Congressman Michael Burgess has traveled to Iraq four times. During every mission, he has been able to witness first hand the progress that is being made by the Iraqi government.

James Meernik, chair of Political Science at the University of North Texas and associated editor of International Studies Quarterly had this to say about the legislation, “The work of the Iraqi Special Tribunal will be very important in bringing out the truth of what transpired during the reign of Saddam Hussein so that those who might deny that horrible crimes took place can be confronted with the facts of what actually took place.”

Congressman Burgess closed his floor remarks today with this important note, “I would remiss if I did not mention the determination and skill of our armed forces, and their resolution in continuing their mission in Iraq. It is due to the bravery and perseverance of U.S. service members and their coalition allies that the tyranny of Saddam is over. I applaud our troops and our leadership for the success.”