Press Releases

Burgess Presents TDF Foundation Veterans Scholarship

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) today presented his constituent, David Smith, with the first ever TDF Foundation Veterans Scholarship.
Lewisville, TX – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) today presented his constituent, David Smith, with the first ever TDF Foundation Veterans Scholarship. 

The Veterans Scholarship Initiative, launched by the TDF Foundation this year, awards a $3,000 scholarship to a veteran majoring in science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. The scholarship will be for the 2014-2015 academic year.

David Smith is the first to receive this scholarship, which will go towards a Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a focus on traumatic brain injuries at the University of North Texas. 

After serving in Afghanistan and becoming injured in a roadside bomb in 2010, Smith spent a year in therapy to slowly regain his cognitive and physical abilities, spiking his interest in traumatic brain injuries. In 2011, he petitioned the commandant of the Marine Corps to allow him to begin his formal education with a focus on the biology of the human brain.  He is scheduled this summer to present a lecture at an international neuroscience conference about the mechanisms surrounding traumatic brain injury.

“It is an honor to present David Smith with this scholarship today,” Burgess said. “As a veteran, Smith served our country with bravery, determination and pride. As a student in one of the STEM sciences, he is only continuing to better our nation and strengthen the future of America. STEM achievement should be a focus for us all as a way to maintain and strengthen American competitiveness in an increasingly global economy. Smith is doing just that. He makes the 26th district proud.”

Also in attendance to help present the scholarship was former Congressman Jack Fields and University of North Texas President Neal Smatresk. 

More information on the TDF Foundation may be found here.  
