A Doctor's Note

Dr. Burgess Video Address - Giving Thanks

Dr. Burgess released the following video statement in recognition of Thanksgiving.
Dr. Burgess released the following video statement in recognition of Thanksgiving.

"Hello this is your Congressman Michael Burgess. Today, millions will gather around dinner tables to give thanks with family and friends. It is important that we all take a moment and reflect on those things for which we have to be thankful. For me, it is family, the gift of living in the United States of America, a strong and capable military, freedom, and liberty. I am also thankful and honored to have had the opportunity to represent you, the constituents of the 26th Congressional District of Texas.

"As America continues to face hardships we must remind ourselves that a better road is ahead. With dedicated commitment, we can build this great county back and we can create a better future for our grandchildren.

"Today, we must also honor those who continue to fight for our freedom and as a consequence are spending this Thanksgiving away from their families. Thank you, to you and your family, for your service and your sacrifice.

"Thank you for taking the time to listen. God bless you and your family, God bless our Texas veterans, and as always, may God bless Texas."