Press Releases

Burgess Secures $100 Million in Solyndra Scandal Funding

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) worked directly with Speaker Boehner to have language included in the Continuing Resolution that would rescind $100 million from the Department of Energy program infamously known for giving $535 million to the now-bankrupt solar company Solyndra. The bill passed the House by a vote of 219-203.

Burgess Secures $100 Million in Solyndra Scandal Funding
“Dr. Burgess has been the leader in the Solyndra fight and is responsible for $100 million of taxpayer dollars being rescinded.” - Speaker Boehner

Washington, D.C. – Last night, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) worked directly with Speaker Boehner to have language included in the Continuing Resolution that would rescind $100 million from the Department of Energy program infamously known for giving $535 million to the now-bankrupt solar company Solyndra. The bill passed the House by a vote of 219-203.

“While the Obama administration has refused to hold Solyndra accountable, and even blocked information, getting this money back is an important step in ensuring no further taxpayer money is unwisely used away,” said Dr. Burgess. “The Continuing Resolution is a better bill today because we are preventing further money from going to risky companies, and I am still working to get more of the American taxpayer’s money back. This fight is far from over, and I will continue to work until we have seized every dollar we can back.”

Despite repeated warnings about the speculative nature of the project, the Obama administration pushed forward at break-neck speed, and Solyndra was the first company to receive a loan guarantee using stimulus dollars. Six months after the Department of Energy restructured Solyndra’s loan guarantee in February 2011, the company declared bankruptcy.

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Dr. Burgess met last night regarding including language in the Continuing Resolution.

“Dr. Burgess has been the leader in the Solyndra fight and is responsible for $100 million of taxpayer dollars being rescinded,” said Speaker Boehner. “Dr. Burgess also introduced the resolution authorizing Chairman Upton to issue the subpoena to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. Dr. Burgess has been at the forefront of this ongoing investigation, and will continue to lead and expose the waste and involvement of the Obama administration, and I will continue to support these efforts until every dollar possible is returned to the American people.”

The Continuing Resolution will now be sent to the Senate for debate and a vote.
