Press Releases

Burgess: “We can do better.”

Washington, D.C. – In advance of President Obama’s speech tonight during the Joint Session, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) released the following statement. “For the fifth time since taking office, President Obama will come to Capitol Hill and speak to Congress and the American people. While I welcome the president’s participation in a dialogue, I hope that his speech will not be the same rhetoric without action. For the past two-and-a-half years, the Obama administration has pushed a legislative agenda that included failed short-term stimulus measures, higher taxes, increased regulations, and a government overhaul of the health care system. All resulting in higher unemployment and an economy that struggles to recover. We can do better.

Burgess: “We can do better.”

Washington, D.C. – In advance of President Obama’s speech tonight during the Joint Session, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) released the following statement.

“For the fifth time since taking office, President Obama will come to Capitol Hill and speak to Congress and the American people. While I welcome the president’s participation in a dialogue, I hope that his speech will not be the same rhetoric without action. For the past  two-and-a-half years, the Obama administration has pushed a legislative agenda that included failed short-term stimulus measures, higher taxes, increased regulations, and a government overhaul of the health care system. All resulting in higher unemployment and an economy that struggles to recover. We can do better.

“The Republican-led House has passed more than a dozen pro-growth bills this year that address the job crisis and would put people back to work. Unfortunately, all but one of these measures have been stalled in the Democrat-controlled Senate. During the August district work period I held several town hall meetings and met with constituents and businesses across my district. The message that I heard over and over is that the out-of-control spending, new taxes, and increased regulations have stalled private sector job creation.

“I hope President Obama will seize this opportunity to reject the policies that have put America in a position that threatens the very fabric of our republic. We need get the government out of the way, allowing job creators to put people back to work. The American people have been waiting over two years for delivery on the president’s promises to address the jobs crisis, yet I fear we will hear only more of the same. We can do better, and the country deserves better.”
